Russian Chickpeas

A Symphony of Quality Beckoning Global Palates: Amidst the vast agricultural tableau of Russia, a crop with ancient roots and modern appeal thrives – the chickpea. Known universally for its versatility and nutritional benefits, Russian chickpeas are a harmonious blend of tradition, innovation, and unparalleled quality.

The Rich Tapestry of Russian Chickpeas: While chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, have been cultivated for thousands of years in regions across the world, Russia’s foray into chickpea farming is a tale of dedication and adaptation. Over the decades, the crop has found a harmonious home in Russia, particularly in its warmer southern regions. Here, the unique interplay of soil, climate, and sunlight creates a conducive environment for these legumes to flourish.


Why Russian Chickpeas Stand Out

Beyond Hummus: The Global Allure of Russian Chickpeas While many associate chickpeas with dishes like hummus or falafel, their culinary potential is vast and varied. Russian chickpeas, with their unique texture and flavor, lend themselves beautifully to a plethora of dishes across cuisines. Whether it’s the spicy chana masala from India, the hearty chickpea stews of Europe, or the innovative vegan dishes popping up in cafes across the Americas, Russian chickpeas prove to be a versatile star ingredient.


Founder: Natalya Alexandrovna Kornienko
Website: RUSNK.COM
Location: RUSSIA
Specialist: International Projects