Russian Grains

The Pinnacle of Quality Awaits the World: In the vast expanses of Russia’s agrarian landscapes, a tale of tradition, innovation, and unmatched quality unfolds – the story of Russian grains. These grains, each a product of centuries-old wisdom and modern agricultural techniques, are Russia’s golden ticket to the global food symphony.

Diverse Grains, One Russian Heritage: From the wheat fields that sway under the Siberian sun to the barley plains stretching along the Volga River, Russia’s grain diversity is nothing short of remarkable. Each grain, be it wheat, barley, rye, oats, or millet, speaks of a unique Russian narrative, imbued with the land’s richness and the tenacity of its farmers.

Beyond Bread: The Universal Appeal of Russian Grains While bread remains the most celebrated offspring of grains, the potential of Russian grains transcends this staple. They form the backbone of a plethora of dishes, from the porridges that warm Russian mornings to the pastas, cereals, and beverages that grace tables worldwide. Their versatility in cuisines, coupled with their nutritional benefits, ensures Russian grains have a cherished spot in pantries across continents.

In the grand saga of global agriculture, Russian grains occupy a chapter replete with dedication, quality, and promise. They symbolize a nation’s commitment to feeding the world with the best it has to offer. With RUSNK facilitating this journey, the world can now savor the essence of Russian fields, promising not just sustenance but a culinary experience par excellence. As these grains traverse from the heart of Russia to kitchens worldwide, they bring with them a legacy of agrarian passion and purity.


Founder: Natalya Alexandrovna Kornienko
Website: RUSNK.COM
Location: RUSSIA
Specialist: International Projects